Saturday, August 18, 2012

Underlying Order - To Carry Forward An Ever-Advancing Civilization.

Not only is there an underlying order within creation but also a goal, a directionto carry forward an ever advancing civilization. Each created being has a part to play in that unfolding plan. Each human being is born into potential with that potential, when realized, enabling us to play a unique part in a Divine Plan encompassing all humanity. As we play our parts, each of us is meant to benefit ourselves and those we interact with: sounds a lot like an economy, which it is. As Bruce Koerber aptly points out in Voluntary Theocracy, being productive benefits not just ourselves but also that increased productivity benefits us all.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Virtues Are Central To The Human Enterprise.

It is not surprising then that virtues are central to the human enterprise. When asked “What is the purpose of our lives?” 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the son of the Founder of the Bahá’i Faith responded, ”To acquire virtues.” What is surprising is that for so long, contemporary economics have relegated virtues to buzz words like “trust in the institutions” and “consumer confidence” without the spiritual basis required to re-establish trust once it is broken or rebuild confidence once it is lost. Bruce Koerber in Part One and Part Two of Voluntary Theocracy places the virtues where they belong: at the heart of all of our interactions.
If this had been all that he did, his work would be commendable and worthy of our attention. However, Bruce Koerber has done much more. In Part Three and Part Four of Voluntary Theocracy he lays out the principles underlying what he refers to as the Divine Economy. For all Religious traditions it has been central to our purpose here, to come to know and love the Divine Order and the One who created it. "I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details.", (attributed to Albert Einstein), is an acknowledgement that there is an underlying order in the world in which we live. It is the goal of science to uncover that order and to make it accessible and understandable. It is in that spirit that Bruce Koerber’s Divine Economy is an unfolding scientific endeavour.

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Economy Is Virtues-Based.

There is something about the virtues that make them essential for predictable success in whatever human beings undertake. Predictable success is valuable because chance or an underlying order that is unknown to us may be operating as well. This is true whether or not what we are undertaking is a worthy endeavour. We even need the virtues to be predictably successful when engaged in doing the “wrong” thing. Imagine a thief that lacks determination. At the first obstacle the thief would abandon the enterprise. A gang cannot exist without loyalty; any form of betrayal is likely to end its collective nature.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link: